Muhheakannuck Nations at Nu Scodack
Sep 30 2022
Sacred Fire
Related Neighbors
When the Algonquins met Henry Hudson, all the natives were related.
Just a question of how.The European influx caused a major stirring of the pot, not only in bloodlines,
but also in values and traditions.
For example, when you entered someone else's territory, you generally sat down and waited. In some people's lands you built a small fire. In others, you just waited. No fire.
A delegation soon comes to learn the purpose of the visit and see what is needed.
What was the custom in your land? In your neighbor's?
Who remembers???
Algonquin Neighbors
Who are Algonquins?
Peoples whose group names end in ack, ock, uck, agh, augh, ugh, ough, etc., are most likely Algonquin, most likely M'hiacanuk.
Additionally, many whose group names begin with Wa- are also Algonquin.
Algonquins are basically people who live in the land of the white tail deer.
There was a great shift in population and poulation locations due to major earth change about 12,500 years ago. There have also been some major changes since.
The Wappingers and the Wabinaki are basically the same people: dawnlanders. They have developed multiple family lines over time.
The Wappingers, however, had an influx of Brazilian genes. Some indigenous were sent to Brazil, as well as to islands and other South American lands. A great number were captured, enslaved and shipped south during King Phillip's War, as well as at other times.
During the American Revolution, Brazilian M'hiacanuk returned, fought with George Washington and remained with the Wappingers. The main distinction between those who had been to Brazil and those who never left was the Brazilians went barefoot.
M'hiacanuk are the great canoe people.
[m', muh = Great; canu = Canoe, goes both ways; hea, hia is a connector.]
Massachusetts are M'hiacanuk from the greater Boston area closely related to the ones from the greater NYC area and the greater Albany area [Nu Schodack] at the time of the European influx.
Nipmuk live in central MA.
Ojibwe are the people who volunteered to move west from the Northeast in response to the Seven Fires Prophecy in order to preserve the culture.
Pinnacook are the bird people
Schwano (Shawnee) are the southern door of the M'hiacanuk
Wanahbees lived north of the Huricanes in the Lake George area.
Watuk is Staten Island [not to be confused with Watunxis]
Watunxis originated as a cooperative effort of families of Esopus and Mahiacanuk proper living in the present day Kingston NY area who moved together to present day Farmington CT before the Haudenosaunee decided to be peaceful.
Notable leaders: Petrus (M'haicanu}, and Ahhamo (Esopus); the Hills;
ELiza Jane Kelley [1834-1908], the Keeper of the 11 burial grounds of Farmington.
According to local historians, Edward Kelley "was the last full blooded Tunxis." However, the Treaty of Farmington of 1640 [scrubbed from the internet] was signed by people from 34 different families [nations] living there as Tunxis. There were two totem poles on the banls of the Tunxis with 34 totems on them.
There was a large influx of Mohawks when the Haudenosaunee made sersious efforts to become paecrful with their neighbors.
And since Tunxis are a combination of Esopus and M'hiacanu proper, there has never been a full blooded Tunxis.
Above: Algonguin Wigwam
Closely Related:
Lenape (Delaware):
The Lenape regularly traveled the Great White Way [Broadway] to visit relatives in Mongolia but haven't done so in over a thousand years. On their last journey, they dropped off the Cheyenne on the way back, as well as the Senecas [Nundauwa-o or Onondawa].
We have sorrowfully learned that the ones who moved west remember less than the ones who stayed in the Northeast. Major groups: Munsee: live in close proximity with M'hiakanuk Esopus: originally rabbit clan of Munsee, became a separte nation along the Esopus river, Kingston area long
before European influx.
Hackensack: Passaic, NJ led by Oritam
Canarsie: southern shore M'merrick [Long Island]
Matinecock: northern shore M'merrick
Ramapo: Mixture of Katonah's people and original people' from where they are currently located.
Keepers of the Pass.
Tappan: Controlled crossing M'hiacanituck, lived on both banks, north of Ramapo.
Others: Tinka Tinky, Requiesgheeks, Pomptons
Mi'kmaq: According to ancient history, Mi'kmaq lived in North America with the Onondaga, M'hiacanuk, and the Woolly Mammouth over 30,000 years ago. The M'hiacanuk then moved to the island continent in the Atlantic to help ease the population crunch.
Non Algonquin Neighbors
Allegheny: Seafaring Scots who visited, stayed.
Beothuk: Vikings who came and stayedCherokee: arrived from the Stars about 5,000 years ago,.
They formed an alliance with the Algonquin and joined up with the Haudenosaunee, eventually moving south,
[southern door of the Haudenausonee] although some have remained in the north til now.
Dakota, Lakota, Nakato: basically same people. Lived in Southeastern North America prior to European influx. Families from 4 nations in this group were living with the Tunxis in 1640. Places are named for them in the Southeast U.S..
Dine: Lived in western North America, came east on hunts. Sometimes stayed.
Haudenosaunee: Onondaga, Mohawk, Oneida, Cayuga, Seneca [Western Door], Tuscarora, etc.
Other related people: Iroquois [original], Eire [panther people], Wyndent [Huron], Neuter, Peton (Petun),
Meherrin [from Virginia to North Carolina], Fist Eaters [neighbors of Tuscarora]
The Susquehannock are often referred to as Iroquoian but name is Muhheakannuck.
White Susquehannuk wore white amulet at throat. Black Susquehannuk wore black amulet at throat
Mononghela: neighbors of the Allegheny [Pittsburgh area]
Ottawa (Odawa) traders - traveled from the Great Lakes to the Florida Keys and back every year Pequots: also known today as Mohegan Pequots - a combination of Mayan and Creek [Micosuki, Miscogi] indigenous who migrated northeast through the Missippi Valley several thousands of years ago and were given land in present day CT by the Algonquin. Recognized by their tri-circle hierarchy. Called Mohegan, the story goes, because Uncas wanted to be M'hicanu. (M'hicanuk also have Mayan ancestry but modified differently. This is seen in the lack of the hierarchal governing and class structures of the Mayans.)
Some Tunxis [Tausey] travelled west with the Oneida Stockbridge as translators because others had difficulty communicating with the Pequots due to language [thinking] differences.
NOTES: These people are all related through intermarrying. Main differences are not genetic but cultural.
Some cultural differences:
Lenape may, for example, walk away from their leaders. M'hicanuk leaders, however, serve for life. M'hiacanuk do not leave their leaders. If they are that bad, they are killed and replaced. Haudenausonee women depose leaders and replace.
National selection of leaders existed until modern times with U.S. officials interferring in the internal affairs of the nations, usurping the women's role and selecting leaders and/or eliminating them.
For example, President Clinton [1993 - 2001] selected an Iroquoian national leader who then dishonored his clan mother, evicting her from her home under the pretext it was unsafe [after it had passed health inspections] and demolished it, dishonoring himself, his people and all relatives. This is when we were tailed by agents wearing brown suede and knits for about three weeks.
Last word: We are all related for we are all the Creator's children.