Muhheakannuck Nations at Nu Scodack
Gitchie Manitou
M'hicanuk are very aware of our spiritual nature and daily thank the Creator.
Wanisi do
Great Spirit, we give thanks, we give thanks for all
We give thanks for Mother Earth and Father Sun,
For the four leggeds who walk with us
For the winged ones and many legged ones who beautify our life
For the thunder beings who bring the rain
For the cloud beings who paint our skies
For all who cross our path in our daily walk
Gitchie Manitou, may we always remember
where we have come from and where we are going.
May we always remember that we are all part of the Creator.
And, as aspects of the Creator, we are all one.And may we remember that to have peace,
we must first be peaceful.
Wanisi do