Muhheakannuck Nations at Nu Scodack Welcome!
M'heakannituck: the river that ebbs and flows. Named for the people who ebb and flow.
We are still here ...
Website Contents:
Who are the M'heakannuck? < mnns > Where are they from? < origins 1 > How did they get here? < origins 1 b2 > Where is here? < MNNS >
Neighbors? < Neighbors >
Historical Events < history > Seven Fires Prophecies < history >
Pavonia Massacre <history b3> Two Row Wampum Treaty 400th Anniversary Enactment <history b4>
How do M'heakannuck communities function? In the Past? <Sagamore0> Now? <sagamore0>
Sagamore Training <Sagamore1> thru <sagamore10>
Some traditional views: Sovereignty < > M'hican Spelling <Origins 1 b4> Medicine Pauwau <medpau>
Current Activities: Powwows < > Neetopk Keetopk < >
Remembering those who have Walked on <memorials>
This information has been passed on from generation to generation for millenia in our language. The variations in details are due to increased ability to remember as energy levels rise and to decreased caution, while still hiding right out in the open.