Muhheakannuck Nations at Nu Scodack Welcome!
A work in Progress
M'heakannituck: the river that ebbs and flows.
Named for the people who ebb and flow.
We are still here ...
This is an Educational Site. A purpose is providing information to assist people in facing current challenges.
This is about a people who have lived in the Americas through several planetary cycles.
Our common memory begins only about 30,000 years, not as long as our cousins the Hopi, the Onodaga and the Mi'kmaq.
We remember better than many for we accepted the task of remembering as a community at a major turning point about 12,500 years ago. We agreed to do this until we would once again evolve to a similar level prior to the loss of our home land.
We are at another turning point now where the energy levels of Anastasis are rising [therefore, we are evolving] instead of falling [devolving] as they did some 12,500 years ago.
The information on this site does not necessarily agree with what you may have learned, with recorded sources, nor with what our neighbors remember.
As the memories of family events of you and your relatives may not be quite the same, think of how our understanding, therefore our memories over time may diverge as people have different experiences.
Remember: Our ability to remember depends on the level of energy we maintain.
This information has been passed on from generation to generation for millenia in our language. The variations in details are due to increased ability to remember as energy levels rise and to decreased caution, while still hiding right out in the open.
Site Contents:
We begin with honoring Gitchie Manitou, the Great Spirit.
MNNS: The next section describes the Origins of the Muhheakannuck in two parts.
The first is a page called MNNS for Muhheakannuck Nations at Nu Schodack.
it briefly tells who the M'heakannuck are, where they are from, and how they got here.
Origins: The following section speaks about the Origins in greater detail. There are two versions:
Origins 2000 [recorded in 2000] and Origins 2016 [abstract and full version]. written down in 2016.
It also describes how Muhheakannuck communities are self governing, explains a liitle about
M'hiacan spelling, Nu Schodack, and the Tunxis.
An example of how M'hiacanuk leaders are trained is shown in Never Called By His Given Name, a story about the 40 year training of the last Tunxis Sagamore <Sagamore0> thru <sagamore10>
Then there are the following sections:
Traditions: <traditions>
This area covers things such as Personal and Collective Sovereignty Sovereignty,
Medicine Pauwau which deals with community healing
and Powwows. Gatherings, Ceremonies and modern Powwows
Historical Events <history>
This includes
the Seven Fires Prophecies <history>
the Pavonia Massacre of 1643 <history3> and
the Two Row Wampum Treaty 2013 Enactment <history4>
Neetopk Keetopk Neetopk Keetopk, begun after the 2013 Two Row Wampum Treaty Enactment to help indigenous and immigrant descendents share the river of life together has its own page.
Neighbors <Neighbors> This includes other Algonquin people, non Algonquin indigenous, as well as non indigenous people in the Northeast.
For more information on Indigenous,
see built on the work of MicMac Evan Pritchard, author, linquist and scholar.
Note: There are factual differences between this site and Evan's site as Evan's information is based on scholarly research
and published sources.
The information shared here is based on carefully kept memory, some of which has never been expressed in English,
nor recorded before now. We M'hicanuk used to recite our history twice a year until it became too dangerous to do so.
Memorials: Remembering those who have walked on <memorials>
This includes indigenous elders and leaders, artisans, those who have worked with indigenous and those who never forgot their connection to Mother Earth